Every member is also an Owner!

Every member of Nuvision becomes an owner when they join the credit union. As a not-for-profit financial institution, we are governed by our membership. Earnings are returned to you, our members, in the form of lower rates on loans, higher returns on savings, and outstanding financial service.

Your owner status creates a special relationship with Nuvision’s volunteer Board of Directors, elected from and by our members, who represent you in high-level decision-making. As an owner, you have the right to expect Nuvision to be financially secure, to comply with the laws and regulations that govern it, and to responsibly manage members’ financial resources. Unlike many other financial institutions, our save and sound business practices have allowed us to weather the recent financial storms in solid standing.

Do you know the difference between a bank and a credit union?

You. You are the difference.

Did you know that as a member of NuVision you are also an Owner?

That is a distinct advantage you have as a credit union member vs. a bank customer. As a member-owned financial institution, we basically exist to serve you.

Member-Owner Feedback

Each member-owner plays a crucial role in the way the credit union is operated by electing our Board of Directors which is responsible for ensuring the credit union adequately represents what its member-owners want.

With this in mind, it is important that members not only understand their rights as owners, but that they exercise those rights. For this reason, your Board of Directors would like your feedback. Periodically, articles will be placed on Nuvision’s web site and in newsletters discussing member-owner issues. If there is any feedback, questions or comments, we encourage that you email us at [email protected] or mail them to:

7812 Edinger Avenue
Huntington Beach, CA 92647
Attn: Ownership Linkage

We’ll make sure your voice is heard by addressing your inquiries and letting you know how you can best take advantage of this unique banking relationship.

From Your Board of Directors